As we begin our weekend bliss, choose to be happy. Let’s be grateful for where we’ve come from, where we are and where we are going.  

Like the Bible says:

“What bliss we experience when these blessings fall! The people who love and serve our God will be happy indeed!”

Psalms 144:15 TPT

As we continue to put God first in all that we do and serve Him, we shall be happy indeed. 

Let’s choose to look at the bright side of things and not look to things as if it won’t work. Focus on the great outcome and put your faith in what He has promised. Because you know what, what matters has not changed. If we believe the Word, then we believe it shall come to pass.  By saying that, we should be happy and in great expectation of God doing the unexpectedly greatly in our lives. 

I know I am happy because this is the day that the Lord has made and I shall always rejoice and be glad in it. 

Be happy & Love ya,

Bri ❤️ 

We thank you Father for just being good and we give You the glory now for You are Worthy of all of our praise. We thank you Father that no matter what situations we face, we choose to remain happy. What bliss we experience when all of these blessings fall! We are your people who love You and serve You and know that we choose to be happy indeed. We call forth an abundance of blessings and that we are blessed to be a blessing in Jesus name, Amen.